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Meet the team...

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Carole Allen - Artistic Director
It’s been an amazing journey since being asked if I could find a way to bring local history to life through drama, storytelling and song to where we are now. And we have plenty more ideas – watch this space

Bob Rankin - Treasurer
I've been with the Scaplen's Community Players since 2021 and I was really pleased when asked to perform in both 2021 and 2022 productions. Bringing small segments of Poole history to life through drama is not only fascinating but also super enjoyable. I'm really looking forward to our future plays & productions. Being part of this fantastic team, which has created an amazing team spirit has given me many memories which I will treasure. 

Nicola King - Secretary
I have always been interested in history so I jumped at the chance of being a story teller for two 16th century characters from Dorset. I will continue to do this and also hope to act with Scaplen’s Community Players

Dionne Polychronopulos -Safeguarding Officer
I first heard about Scaplen's when I watched "Mayhem at the Inn" in 2019.The play was so much fun and fully immersed the audience, it was at that point I was like how do I get to be part of this!!!

Marie Bushell- Social Secretary, Social Media

I joined the Scaplen's Community Players in 2022 and have greatly enjoyed working with them ever since. I especially fell in love with the idea of combining history and performing, as they combine two of my favourite things. I am pleased and excited with how the company is growing, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. Thanks Carole and all x

Glanville Noye - Production Manager 
I first became aware of Scaplen's Players when I went to see the very enjoyable Mayhem at the Inn, I was surprised that I knew most of the players. I was very pleased to receive a phone call inviting me to be their production manager for their future productions I have worked with several local groups but this one is rather special, I love the whole concept! So far two productions with this very talented and friendly group, hoping for many more

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Rachael de Courcy Beamish - Programme Co-ordinator
I am delighted that since 2019; to have been involved with and be part of, all productions performed by Scaplen's Court, and now Community Players. This is truly a supportive, welcoming group; which has been, is and will continue to be committed to bringing original pieces of work, based on our local history, to life through live theatre...

Katy Nutt - Playwright 
It is a magical thing to me to see my words as scriptwriter being brought to life by the very talented Scaplen’s Court Players - now the Scaplen’s Community players - and I can’t wait to see the next production.


Helen Armstrong - Website Designer 
I've really enjoyed working alongside Carole and the team to design and build a website that provides useful information and an insight into the activities of the group. I hope you enjoy exploring the site and learning more about Scaplen's Community Players!

Ian Bushell - Promotional Designer 

Barry Gray - Advisor to the Committee 
It is an absolute pleasure to be part of the Scaplen's Community Players and seeing the vision of this dedicated team coming to life. An exciting new horizon for local community theatre.

Our playwright

Katy Nutt, a local playwright, has written all our plays to date. The first three “Mayhem at the Inn’ 2019, ‘Elizabeth Hyde’ 2021 and ‘Woodes Rogers’ 2022 were all written in conjunction with Don Nutt as part of his ‘Pirates, Castaways and Codfish project. 

And a note from Katy

“Poole was the third most important port in the country in the time leading up to the D Day landings and three hundred ships set off from Poole to help with the mission. In our local area many men were involved in ship making for the war effort and many men and women were called up. This meant that the women left behind had to take over the men’s jobs, run their homes and provide the food for their families.

All women were expected to look nice, dress well and wear makeup. This of course was in a time of rationing. In all the turmoil women were central in carrying on as best they could in very difficult circumstances.

I am always struck by the way women seem to make the extraordinary seem ordinary and how brave they were”


Our main aim is to have fun doing the things we enjoy...

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As well as being involved in rehearsals and performances we also offer the opportunity to take part in our activities. These include workshops, play readings, talks and demonstrations. 

Here are some examples: 


     Performance skills, fight sequences, improvisation, interaction

Play readings    

     These could be one act plays or short scenes and be of any genre. Sometimes it is fun to look at         other scripts that have nothing to do with the current play in preparation

Informative talks with question-and-answer opportunities

     From our playwright Katy Nutt, an experienced director, a professional actor, a local historian.


     Costume, hair, makeup, dance

We like to think all our activities are also social occasions but we also plan to have quiz nights, video showings of past performances and visits to see other plays being performed locally.

What people have said

Poole - Rotary

"They brought the Poole stories from our Pirates, Castaways and Codfish project vividly to life - Poole Rotary will be forever grateful for the excellent maritime heritage theatre".

Don Nutt - Pirates,Castaways and Codfish project Manager and author

They exceeded my wildest dreams in their portrayals of life in Poole in the 1600's and 1700's; and to popular acclaim. Bravo: Carole, Jo and all involved.


Chaz Davenport
I’ve performed in a couple of plays with Scaplens Players now. Playing Blackbeard and Thomas Hyde - husband to the legendary Elizabeth. 
The beauty of working on projects like these is that you get to look a little deeper into some characters and events from history and you get to bring them to life.
As performers, we love to entertain and SCP gives us a chance to combine that with educating and informing. It may sound like a trite phrase, but we’re making history fun. For our audiences and, very much, ourselves. 


Mike Pearce - The Society of Poole
Our contributions to the programming and activities on the day were welcomed by organiser Mike Pearce, of Society for Poole. They were provided so well by Scaplen's Community Players - with stories of old Poole on the first floor of the Oriel Restaurant and the first ever performances of The Hiring Fayre set in Poole in 1682. We owe a debt of gratitude to Carole Allen as producer and Rachael de Courcy-Beamish as director; and their brilliant cast of players and storytellers for all their performances.  

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